God Eats Peanut Butter & Jelly (Silverton Style)
July 25, 2014
Fungi Foraging Covert Style (Silverton Style)
August 22, 2014Since my heel surgery is scheduled for tomorrow morning, I’m posting the latest blog essay two days early (orange you lucky..). By Friday afternoon the painkillers may’ve really kicked in and the last thing I’ll be capable of doing is posting to this blog. Heck, just writing this essay felt like I was hopping up Mt Everest with a one hundred lb. pack strapped to my back.
Word Count: 581
Running A Marathon
On One Foot
Don’t ever catch yourself breaking any bones in your body. Living an active lifestyle like yours truly obviously means that can’t always be helped. In other words, avoiding calamitous accidents to one’s physical self is easier said than done. In my case a friend of my little sister likes to say I’m prone to hurting myself in all sorts of nefarious ways and should therefore be covered in bubble wrap 24/7 just to be on the safe side. Good idea, although that might restrict my freedom of movement.
A little less than two weeks ago I fell down a flight of stairs and slowed my tumble by jamming a heel into the lowest rung at the bottom. Sure enough I ended up breaking the heel, which slightly altered my plans for the remainder of the summer. The surgery to repair the break is scheduled for this coming Thursday, and after that it could be another six to eight weeks of lying around before I’m even close to being semi-normal again. What’s semi-normal anyway?
Could be worse I suppose. What if I’d done damage to other parts of the body, and I’m pretty lucky when you compare my situation to people suffering all over the world right now. On the other hand, this hurts like a son of a bitch so why not feel sorry for myself? Kind of fun actually.
What I am doing a lot of right now is lying in bed and catching up on lots of reading. Sleeping an inordinate number of hours too, which seems to have played all sorts of havoc with my circadian rhythms. Regularly waking up at 3:00 am with an extreme case of insomnia seems to be the common result of that practice.
Also doing a great deal of reflection right now too. Not much else to occupy my time when convalescing. Here are a few observations whether you want them from me or not.
Ever noticed that television is even more of an intellectual wasteland between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm than it normally is? Lots of reruns of programming that originally got broadcast in prime time the previous week or night. I caulk this up to the fact that most people are doing other (theoretically more interesting?) things during the daylight hours. Basic cable TV is notorious for the practice.
Thank God for my trusty remote control. Allows me to lie there like a slug and surf from one end of the dial to the other in record time. Since we’ve got satellite at the hotel I manage, that alone tends to take a while. Sooner or later I’m bound to find something I’m interested in watching. Which is just about the time I doze off while getting interested in the program. How is it possible to be so tired when all I’m doing is lying here?
This brings up the final observation related to this little essay. Because doing just about anything physical these days feels like I’m carrying out the task with a one hundred weight attached to my back, not to mention hopping from one spot to the next, I’m always tired. Worn out even as I’m writing this essay, so I’ll bring this little ditty to an end. Don’t ever break your heel or you too can be forced into this situation. Lots of sleeping, but then that’s just about all you want to do.