Obsession of the Purchasing Sort
November 29, 2013
Linguistically Challenged (Part II)
December 27, 2013This is an essay that the editor of the local newspaper published for me last week. Since I’m right in the middle of finding a novel editor for this latest manuscript I’m having to go with earlier stuff.
Other than this blog posting material, essays in the local newspaper, and the occasional short stories that make it into literary journals, getting into the greater world of traditional publishing and marketing and then actually being paid for your efforts is tough. Basically analogous to climbing Mount Everest with rusted roller skates attached to your feet.
Word Count: 781
Frozen Digits and
Other Holiday Delights
The author apologizes for not being able to grace you with an essay over the past eight weeks in the Standard. He’s been busy with various other projects related to his odyssey as a writer. That having been said, here’s something new and nifty you can now use as a sure-fire remedy for your next bout of insomnia.
There’s definitely something to be said for being a full-time resident here in Silverton when the holidays roll around. Thanksgiving, even though it’s considered one of the quieter celebrations around here actually turned out to be quite memorable this year. Participating in everything Turkey Day/Silverton style had to offer was the major reason.
At first as the actual day drew closer and closer on the calendar, I felt a bit depressed. Everyone in my immediate family was gone and I didn’t have much of a desire to drive for six hours to get to the other end of the state. Specifically to spend the holiday with two of my sister’s and their families. Driving is something I basically could do without, and a news expose I recently watched about driverless cars being perfected got me more excited than a miner who’s just hit the Mother Lode.
But I’d made a promise to myself that I’d help out with Silverton’s community turkey dinner, and I wasn’t going to back out on my volunteer commitment. Called the organizer to find out when I was expected to show up, then settled back with the reassuring knowledge that I wouldn’t have to cook on the 28th. Food preparation being another activity I’d prefer not to engage in.
Right after that, I got the November 21st Standard and discovered that a mini Turkey trot was planned. A 5-Km run-which is short-n-sweet and from a runner’s perspective not that hard to pull off (most of us being in the lazy-man mode at this time of year too). Figuring I didn’t have anything to lose other one or three digits falling off due to the cold, I decided to do it.
That’s exactly what it was too. Despite the sunny weather, it was basically only two degrees above walk-in freezer temperature. Everybody participating in the event grit his or her teeth and jumped in. Unfortunately once we got going you really didn’t warm up till you were half way into the race.
A fun experience, and best of all I got to witness a 7-year old in a chicken suit beat a good friend to the finish line. Everybody kept saying this turkey day trot was only a fun run, and he used that as a lame-ass excuse for not trying very hard. That still didn’t stop me from teasing him mercilessly about his effort (or lack there of).
Community dinners on Thanksgiving & Christmas say a lot of good things about Silverton. A chance for those of us with a little bit more to give back on the holiday. It never fails to leave me with a warm feeling inside every time I help out with the buffet. Somehow all that extra slaving away doesn’t seem to matter all that much. Also a good way to visit with old friends who somehow appear out of the woodwork at events such as this.
This year I got to re-live my days as a dish dog and washed pots and pans for the better part of my shift. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that technology has definitely improved since my early days as a pearl diver. The machine I worked with was quite a bit more sophisticated than the equipment I used thirty-five years ago. Made for a much easier volunteer experience.
Some people are fortunate enough to participate in more than one dinner during a holiday. This year I really got lucky and experienced just that. The same friend who ignominiously got his ass kicked by the 7-year old overlooked my put-downs and had me over for a second helping of Trintofan and other fixins. A good one too as his wife served this upside-down apple pie you could die for. Quite possibly it should be used as a motivational tool for food aficionados such as myself. Melt in your mouth tasty. All in all a fantastic way to end the day.
Sometimes the way one spends their holiday turns out to be more than special, and sleepy little Silverton can surprise you in more ways than you think. This year was a classic example of that. I’ll always remember Thanksgiving ’13 for all sorts of reasons. Partially because my refrigerator ended up with a vast quantity of leftover goodies.