A Different Type of Walk Through The San Juans (Essay, 859 Word Count)
July 21, 2018
The Soothing Charms of Hiking to Timberline (Essay, 696 Word Count)
August 17, 2018This essay was originally posted to the blog/Website and published in the local newspaper in June of 2015. I’m re-posting it since I’m currently buried in various side projects, and because some of those original lilac bushes had to be replaced, but all and all things are looking pretty good right now. The bushes are getting very big, assorted other trees are thriving, and most of the plantings are starting to look great. Another mini-triumph. Yea!!
Word Count: 855
Getting All Your
Lilacs in a Row
Silverton needs more trees & bushes. No ifs, ands, or buts about that. Summers around here are short-but-sweet, so we need to take total advantage of the season. Having more greenery around here is one way for us to do that.
I’m continuing to do my own humble part to ensure that there will be more vegetation in this valley. This spring with the assistance of a good friend (you may know him as the local dairy delivery man), I’ve undertaken a number of projects. First and foremost, finishing rehabilitation of Iron Horse Parkat the southwest corner of Greene and 12th. I love to see trees and bushes that were previously planted continue to grow, so when I noted that all of the vegetation from the past were getting ready to bud out I got excited. As a result I did some discretionary pruning, weeding, and feeding. Followed that by cleaning the park up. Finally, I found an additional source of mulch for the surrounding ground and scattered that around the plants. Other than that, I didn’t really have to do much. This is a testament to the efforts carried out in the past by myself and lots of other volunteers.
Next, I transferred my efforts to a planting project that’s become near and dear to my heart, growing more trees and bushes down at the south end of town. In the past I’ve planted trees beyond the outfield of the ballpark, and the first thing I did this spring was check to see which of the trees lived through the winter. This year was we only lost four trees, and I think everything previously planted probably would’ve lived had it not been for the broken heel I sustained last summer. Once that happened the regular watering came to an ignominious halt in late July and August.
I immediately replaced the trees that had died and fed everything. Then took inventory of what needed to be replaced and began planning my strategy. Where to dig up seedlings to replace the dead ones, collecting them, digging the holes, etc.
One of my planting projects near the Visitor’s center is a row of lilac bushes in the area between the ball field and running track. In the past I’ve planted four lilacs that are continuing to grow, and we need eight more to fill out the row. In an effort to save myself some money, I dug up three bushes from selected sites around town and plopped them into the ground. Five other bushes that are currently in the ground were purchased through our local hardware store friends and once those bushes went in the ground, the lilac row was filled in. Check it out folks. The plantings actually look like I know what I’m doing.
On to my next project of seeing more trees growing in and around town. This includes checking out selected sites up at Memorial Park, assisting another friend with additional tree plantings on her property, and ensuring that stuff stuck in the ground from the past got helped out a bit.
Although we’re pretty limited with what we can grow up here, it is possible for trees and bushes to thrive in this valley. It just takes a bit of TLC, including lots of watering (this place is basically a high-altitude desert, except maybe certain years like this one). A bit of selected weeding and pruning. Things also take a long time to grow at this altitude, but fortunately we are getting ahead of the curve.
All one needs to do is ride your bike around town and see all the trees and bushes that have been planted in the past that are now thriving. A bit of early summer effort and one or two energetic eccentric types participating in the effort. I’m the perfect nonconformist candidate to fill this position.
Rather than sink into a funk as the result of last year’s sustained broken heel and missing out on the entire ski season, Mr. Swanson doubled down on continuing efforts to improve his craft as a writer. In addition to working on a re-write of an earlier novel manuscript, he carried out writings for his blog, additional short stories, and other treatises.
Last, but certainly not least, he’s putting the finishing touches on a book that will come out in summer of this year.This script will contain selected essays previously published in this newspaper, as well as some of the missives posted to his blog.
Unfortunately (or fortunately for you as the case may be), publication of the book hasn’t happened yet. Mr. Swanson will still participate in “Night at the Museum Book Signing” tomorrow night by taking names and telephone numbers for those individuals interested in having a copy of the book for dust collecting purposes once its been printed.
Having a duplicate of this publication will serve a duel role: 1. Aiding Mr. Swanson in his continuing efforts to achieve World Domination 2. To use as a sure-fire cure for extreme cases of insomnia.