W elcome to the official website of David G. Swanson, writer of missives in both the non-fictional and fictional realm including essays, short stories, novel-length adventures, and when in an inebriated state (which is as rare as interactions with lawyers of high moral standards), the occasional bathroom stall words of wisdom. The only thing constant in his scribbling is the fact that everything is humorously tinged to the point most folks are amazed when they discover that none of his writing is drug influenced. Let’s face it, Swanson’s lifestyle makes most boy & girl scouts look like heavy-duty crack using pimps & whores.
Maybe all this humorous-based writing has to do with the fact that he first developed his creative tendencies through an intensive comic book collecting habit during his formative years. Or was it the fact that with a co-conspirator in high school, they created a hugely popular (at least in their minds) cartoon for the high school newspaper. Could it be his stint as a U.S. Peace Corps volunteer in Kenya, East Africa where he regularly spent time slipping off into his own little universe? Was it his attendance at cartoon art school during an earlier incarnation in his illustrious life? Whatever it is, we can state unequivocally that Swanson’s writings never fail to illicit a laugh or three for those who indulge. Take a gander – you won’t be disappointed.
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About David G. Swanson
D avid G. Swanson is a humorous writer/novelist who lives in the Southwest Colorado mountain town where he grew up. He delves into both non-fiction and fiction, with the only requirement being that the piece he’s working on at the time has to have a comedic tinge to it. This style of scribbling words on a page is the only requirement for what he does. He’s just that passionate about writing in the style.
Since beginning his odyssey as an author of stories and essays he’s achieved a number of milestones with his writing. A self-published book of essays based on his childhood adventures (or mis-adventures as the case may be) was put out in December, 2015. His website/blog came on line in November of last year, and he’s received recognition for a variety of the pieces he’s authored, whether it’s short story, essay, and even the occasional novel excerpt.
Latest Books
Air Conditioned Bus Tours is now available through Amazon, purchase off this website, or by contacting the author. He might even send you an autographed copy of the book. Although having him do this may lower the actual re-sale value of the manuscript since you’re probably looking to make some money off the transaction.
Whether or not the pages of these novels are action packed, or sleep inducing is up to the reader (don’t say you weren’t warned).
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FRIENDSHIP HIGHWAY A novel ADRIAN STEWART (aka Ads) and PATRICK DAUGHERTY have a friendship that’ll last till the day after the Apocalypse. College comes to an […]